Monday, January 7, 2013


Starting the 1st Matt and I are trying to read the whole bible in 90 days. For Matt I dont think that would be so hard because he has most likely read the whole bible before in his tyndale life. As for me, I always think it is going to be hard because I dont really understand the bible as well as I would like to. So far it has been awesome! Sometimes I dont want to put the bible down and I just keep reading it.  Which im so proud of myself for. Last week I did my first 5 day in a row work week.. it was really really hard. 3 Out of the 5 days I woke up feeling awesome and thinking that I could do this. The other 2 days I felt horrible. I also think it was hard because that since im out of school my body isnt used to waking up everyday for school, which is fine. ill get used to it. Lately I have been very emotional which sucks because I dont like feeling so lost and confused with my emotions but it happens. Im just trying to fiqure out how to fix it and be a better person and a better house mate. :P My working out has been going great as well. Im doing sit ups everyday and the other day Alyssa and I took the stairs up because the elevators were broken and I didnt feel horrible when I got up to 11 like I used to which I feel amazing about. Im also happy to say that I havent felt this beautiful then I have in a long time because of how much I have been working out and how great I feel :D.

Last week Matt and Alyssa had plans to go visit their friends, I also know them so I asked if I could come and They said yes and im glad I did. It was really fun! They have two big dogs named Tucker and Ace. When Tucker was Little Matt and Alyssa's Dog Nimoy played with him and appearently had a fun time (I wasnt there to see it). But I saw it that night. Nimopy and Tucker played so cute together. Ace on the other hand is HUGE. I think he weighs almost as much as me.. maybe not.. maybe like 120. Anyway Nimoy did not like him at all. Everytime he came near Nimoy would growl and poor ace just wanted to be friends. But im glad Nimoy and Tucker played so nice because of the fact that Nimoy got attacked last month we were worried Nimoy wouldnt like big dogs. Nimoy will always love Tucker.

Well I am going to leave this Blog with a nice Quote :)

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
-CS Lewis

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, and I'm glad so many things are going well for you right now! You are definitely making the effort, and I'm so happy for you to be finding your way and feeling so much better about yourself and about God :) You are an awesome housemate, btw - your emotions help me feel (slightly) less horrible about my own emotional struggles :P
    Besides, if Nimoy has taught us anything it's that emotions just make us more lovable!
