Thursday, January 24, 2013

We are free.

Well, Im back from the beautiful muskoka woods! I had an amazing experience. The first day I was really nervous, because in my head I wasnt a good leader. But on the thursday night which was the first night we were there, a man named Matt Wilkinson who was super deep. He told us to close our eyes and he said a little story and we had to imagine it. I wasnt really paying attention because I was really tired so I didnt want to fall asleep so I kept my eyes open and then when i started paying attention he said if God gave you a card that helps you what word would be on the card? In my mind "Confidence" popped up in my head. That really helped me because i felt like God was really listening to my prayers. I really love the Ways God shows that he cares. After that I felt so amazing. The whole weekened was really amazing. Everyone kept telling me that I was amazing being a first time leader and all. I felt Gods presence the whole weekend. Then I was wondering why I felt it more at avalanche then at change conference then i realzied that it was nature. God's creation just makes me feel like he is right there beside me. knowing that he made muskoka woods, and he made the world makes me feel so amazing. Anyway. Team Ice Lost, however it wasnt for lack of trying! My team did awesome and I love every kid on my team they all tried super hard. Alot of the kids were upset that we didnt win but hey its ok. :D the point of thr weekend was not to win but to grow with God and learn more about him. I Love being a leader :D

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong. ♥

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So, Tomorrow I am heading to muskoka woods to be a team captain for a retreat called avalanche. Im Pretty excited, but also scared. I always think about how im going to ruin a kids childhood by saying the wrong thing or doing something stupid or something like that. However I know God will help me and tell me what to say if I really need help. I know it will be an amazing experience and alot of fun :D.  The teams are split into where you are coming from.. For Example all of the GTA is called team ice which happens to be the team im a leader for. Ice is allways called the losers because they havent won in the longest time.. if at all. The problem is Toronto is the furthest away from the retreat so alot of churches are late or dont come. So being a leader on team ice is super hard because I have to try and keep the team postive. Good luck team ice. ba de ba ba ba ba de ba ba ice is gonna win ba de ba ba ba de ba ba ba ice is gonna win! (if you know this song sing it in your head for me :P )

Last night I saw les miserables with my friend Annie and her parents. It was a GREAT movie. I wont spoil anything but Great acting, Great story great everything!

Sorry this blog is sucky but I have lots to do before i leave tomorrow!

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish. —Sam Walton

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Monday, January 14, 2013


On Monday at school I learned about Halal And Kosher food now my teacher didnt know THAT much about it because he said that he'd rather not worry about that kind of stuff because its to hard to make sure its perfect. I found it cool because the next day I read the book of Leviticus which is a big book of laws and rules ( I found it really hard to read because of all the confusing laws but by the end I liked it) and it told me all about Kosher rules which was really interesting. On tuesday I cut up a whole chicken! and tomorrow we are going to cook what we cut. I had a little doubt phase where I didnt know what I wanted to be.. I told myself that I loved cooking and that I love school but I just was confused and didnt know which way to go. I prayed about it. but I was still super confused. Then as I woke up at 4:30am last monday to go to school I hated the fact I was up so early. Then I found out I was with none of my friends.. we all got spilt up which made me hate school even more. However after loving my teacher and enjoy my classes I decided that school wasnt that bad. The Best part was when my friends and I noticed we had the same lunch together. :D. We also saw a fooseball table calling our names. So playing hours of fooseball makes up for the lack of friends in my class :D.

So I like doing the quote thing.. here is another one :D

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”
Albert Einstein

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Saturday :D

I hope you guys have a happy Saturday :)

“Saturday night is perfect for writers because other people have "plans.”
Mike Birbiglia

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Three Things Thursday

Last time I named my blog post " Three Things Thursday" I got the Most Views ever which was 6... Yeah 6 people.. I know. But IM PROUD OF THOSE 6. This blog is going to be about three things I love about January!
Yes I know January just started but hey Its been awesome so far.

1.) The Bible!  Starting January 1st Matt and I started to do a Bible in 90 days. It has been awesome!!!!! I love how into it I am. I dont want to put the bible down! Its so Interesting. After the 90 days I want to read it over again ( in a different way ) so I can learn more and study it more and love it more. Hopefully if this doesnt kill me I will be willing to do it again.

2.) St. Tims Anglican Church. All I can say about this Church is WOW. I go to a church called Agincourt Baptist. and Dont get me wrong, I LOVE my church. The people are awesome and the services awesome However St. Tims has pushed its way into my heart. Last Sunday I was Off work so I wanted to go to Two services so I did. Alyssa and I went to the 9:15 St Tims Service then the 10:30 Agincourt service. The things I love about St.Tims is pretty much the same reasons as to why I love Agincourt. For One, The People. I Have been to St.Tims 3 times in my life and the people are so welcoming. They all asked for my name and asked me about my life and how I became a christian and it seemed like they cared. I Love them all ♥. Secondly the service, Ive been to a couple church services, In New Brunswick, Quebec and here in Toronto and by far My favourite two are St. Tims and Agincourt. ( Mind you when I went to church in New Brunswick and Quebec I was super Tired, so I didnt pay attention) at St. tims they have short understandable sermons ( some times ) they have communion ( Because of that I realized I dont like wine.) and they have singing!. Agincourt has the same things but different styles. Which is why when I go to Church im going to always go to both services :D

3.)  The Way I Feel. This Month I feel healthy, Beautiful, spirituall fulfilled and just Great! I dont really understand what changed from 2012 to 2013. However I like it. January first I started doing sit ups everyday and Im kinda sorta watching what I eat. Because of that I feel pretty awesome. Last year I was also praying ALOT before bed because I felt like God went somewhere and I didnt feel as close. But by the end of 2012 I started feeling him come back which made me feel amazing then when 2013 hit I just felt more then amazing.. I felt God strong as ever, I hope I can feel like this for a long while. I Know that in Peoples faith they have "Dry Spells" sometimes.. Which just means that they feel distant from God for a while. But God does always come back out from hiding. Which in the End is the most amazing feeling of life.

4.) I LOVE how the world didnt end. :DWell I hope this 3 things thursday post was interesting! Im going to leave you with 3 quotes to go with the theme. (haha)

1.) Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. - Dr. Seuss

2.) Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving - Albert Einstein

3.) A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing - George Bernard Shaw

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Monday, January 7, 2013


Starting the 1st Matt and I are trying to read the whole bible in 90 days. For Matt I dont think that would be so hard because he has most likely read the whole bible before in his tyndale life. As for me, I always think it is going to be hard because I dont really understand the bible as well as I would like to. So far it has been awesome! Sometimes I dont want to put the bible down and I just keep reading it.  Which im so proud of myself for. Last week I did my first 5 day in a row work week.. it was really really hard. 3 Out of the 5 days I woke up feeling awesome and thinking that I could do this. The other 2 days I felt horrible. I also think it was hard because that since im out of school my body isnt used to waking up everyday for school, which is fine. ill get used to it. Lately I have been very emotional which sucks because I dont like feeling so lost and confused with my emotions but it happens. Im just trying to fiqure out how to fix it and be a better person and a better house mate. :P My working out has been going great as well. Im doing sit ups everyday and the other day Alyssa and I took the stairs up because the elevators were broken and I didnt feel horrible when I got up to 11 like I used to which I feel amazing about. Im also happy to say that I havent felt this beautiful then I have in a long time because of how much I have been working out and how great I feel :D.

Last week Matt and Alyssa had plans to go visit their friends, I also know them so I asked if I could come and They said yes and im glad I did. It was really fun! They have two big dogs named Tucker and Ace. When Tucker was Little Matt and Alyssa's Dog Nimoy played with him and appearently had a fun time (I wasnt there to see it). But I saw it that night. Nimopy and Tucker played so cute together. Ace on the other hand is HUGE. I think he weighs almost as much as me.. maybe not.. maybe like 120. Anyway Nimoy did not like him at all. Everytime he came near Nimoy would growl and poor ace just wanted to be friends. But im glad Nimoy and Tucker played so nice because of the fact that Nimoy got attacked last month we were worried Nimoy wouldnt like big dogs. Nimoy will always love Tucker.

Well I am going to leave this Blog with a nice Quote :)

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
-CS Lewis

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Friday, January 4, 2013


Hello All.

Alot of things have happened last month so thats why I didnt post much. I Sucessfully Made a Christmas Dinner for about 60 people at my church. It was a great experience and a fun time with all my friends. I would do it again in a blink of an eye. I also had a really good budgeting month. You may ask me how when it was christmas however my budget was to buy only chirstmas presents and nothing for myself mainly because I dont know what I would get from people. I gave Alyssa rent and food money and paid my phone bill early in the month and the rest of the month was christmas stuff. I still have money left over from my shopping month. so All in all I did amazing with thatt.
Christmas day was awesome. On the 24th I went to the service at Agincourt. It was a nice service and I learned that I miss going to Agincourt. It was very well put together and nothing really went wrong so it was nice. Then after Matt Alyssa and I went to St. Tims which is a nice little church as well. This was the second time I have been to that church and I forgot how nice it was. Other then the fact that I had a headache becuase I was tired, I got a little to much wine at church (I got a whole mouth full when last time I got a little bit.. and guess what I dont like wine!) and the incense was gross (it made my head hurt more) All these things made me a constant complainer which made me feel bad because I didnt want to be annoying (which I think I was). It was a beautiful service and both services made me feel close to God and refreshed me a little. Im a little sad because I didnt really take much out of the sermon at st tims I always try to listen to the sermons but for some reason I cant focus. I still love the singing and the prayer and all the other parts of the service.

Christmas morning was awesome! I had a tea latte and french toast and bacon for breakfast! I also got so mant nice gifts it was awesome. After the gifts and food Matt and Alyssa left for 3 days to Alyssas familes house. Meanwhile for dinner I went to my moms. It was surprizing good. I had a great time. and got alot of money for shopping! The next day I woke up at 7 and got on a bus and went to STC and went shopping, it was a great day because I never went shopping on boxing day. It was crazy busy but sooo much fun. All In All I had an amazing holiday. I hope everyone did as well ♥

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happppy new year!

So Its 2013! We Lived and didnt die on December 21st.. what a surprize. So every year I tell my self that I have new year resolutions and that I will follow them.. Some times I do and Sometimes I dont. However its that time of the year again so Here is my list.. I may or may not follow.

1.) Be Less Annoying..  This sounds werid.. but if you know me in real life you might understand this. Im a very emotional person.. Sometimes I can be the happiest person.. Sometimes im the maddest person.. then the saddest. So My goal is to keep the crazy rollercoster emotions inside and just let the happy ones come out. In order to do that I have to find something to let the rollercoster out.. which brings me to number 2..

2.) Find somewhere I can keep my emotions.. Normally I dont keep my emotions inside... they just come out and alot of people find them annoying. SO I have a couple of plans of what I can do. Normally I would cut myself.. which yeah I know its bad but it helped let all my emotions out.. I dont know why. I havent cut myself in a while which is good. Every thing is pretty much coming out now however which isnt good because Of number 1. I think I am going to start jorunaling. I have many journals and I love to write.. kinda so that is plan 1. Plan to is to start running to let everything go. When the snow melts a little I Will start running to lose weight, get fit, and let off a little steam. Which also leads me to number 3..

3.) Get FIT.  I swear this has been everyones resolution at one point of there lives.. its been mine every year for the past 4 years. Every year I start it and never finish. This year I have a goal.. Feel good in a bathing suit.. I know I am not fat however I still have a  "Belly" I Got a tattoo in Novemeber on my ribs. my goal is to show it off in the summer time and feel awesome :D.

This list is pretty simple.. and kind of sucky but hey. im lame ok? so shush :P

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Long Strong ♥