Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happppy new year!

So Its 2013! We Lived and didnt die on December 21st.. what a surprize. So every year I tell my self that I have new year resolutions and that I will follow them.. Some times I do and Sometimes I dont. However its that time of the year again so Here is my list.. I may or may not follow.

1.) Be Less Annoying..  This sounds werid.. but if you know me in real life you might understand this. Im a very emotional person.. Sometimes I can be the happiest person.. Sometimes im the maddest person.. then the saddest. So My goal is to keep the crazy rollercoster emotions inside and just let the happy ones come out. In order to do that I have to find something to let the rollercoster out.. which brings me to number 2..

2.) Find somewhere I can keep my emotions.. Normally I dont keep my emotions inside... they just come out and alot of people find them annoying. SO I have a couple of plans of what I can do. Normally I would cut myself.. which yeah I know its bad but it helped let all my emotions out.. I dont know why. I havent cut myself in a while which is good. Every thing is pretty much coming out now however which isnt good because Of number 1. I think I am going to start jorunaling. I have many journals and I love to write.. kinda so that is plan 1. Plan to is to start running to let everything go. When the snow melts a little I Will start running to lose weight, get fit, and let off a little steam. Which also leads me to number 3..

3.) Get FIT.  I swear this has been everyones resolution at one point of there lives.. its been mine every year for the past 4 years. Every year I start it and never finish. This year I have a goal.. Feel good in a bathing suit.. I know I am not fat however I still have a  "Belly" I Got a tattoo in Novemeber on my ribs. my goal is to show it off in the summer time and feel awesome :D.

This list is pretty simple.. and kind of sucky but hey. im lame ok? so shush :P

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Long Strong ♥


  1. You got a tattoo?!?! What's it of?

  2. Its a heart, that looks like it was sewn on, with a needle and thread.
