Friday, January 4, 2013


Hello All.

Alot of things have happened last month so thats why I didnt post much. I Sucessfully Made a Christmas Dinner for about 60 people at my church. It was a great experience and a fun time with all my friends. I would do it again in a blink of an eye. I also had a really good budgeting month. You may ask me how when it was christmas however my budget was to buy only chirstmas presents and nothing for myself mainly because I dont know what I would get from people. I gave Alyssa rent and food money and paid my phone bill early in the month and the rest of the month was christmas stuff. I still have money left over from my shopping month. so All in all I did amazing with thatt.
Christmas day was awesome. On the 24th I went to the service at Agincourt. It was a nice service and I learned that I miss going to Agincourt. It was very well put together and nothing really went wrong so it was nice. Then after Matt Alyssa and I went to St. Tims which is a nice little church as well. This was the second time I have been to that church and I forgot how nice it was. Other then the fact that I had a headache becuase I was tired, I got a little to much wine at church (I got a whole mouth full when last time I got a little bit.. and guess what I dont like wine!) and the incense was gross (it made my head hurt more) All these things made me a constant complainer which made me feel bad because I didnt want to be annoying (which I think I was). It was a beautiful service and both services made me feel close to God and refreshed me a little. Im a little sad because I didnt really take much out of the sermon at st tims I always try to listen to the sermons but for some reason I cant focus. I still love the singing and the prayer and all the other parts of the service.

Christmas morning was awesome! I had a tea latte and french toast and bacon for breakfast! I also got so mant nice gifts it was awesome. After the gifts and food Matt and Alyssa left for 3 days to Alyssas familes house. Meanwhile for dinner I went to my moms. It was surprizing good. I had a great time. and got alot of money for shopping! The next day I woke up at 7 and got on a bus and went to STC and went shopping, it was a great day because I never went shopping on boxing day. It was crazy busy but sooo much fun. All In All I had an amazing holiday. I hope everyone did as well ♥

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

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