Thursday, November 22, 2012

Three Things Thursday..Kinda

so its been a week.. im sorry. Update is that I have moved out. Im still with Matt and Alyssa but have all my clothes and important things with me. so I feel better. Im also getting a bed pretty soon. I am currently looking for a dresser from kijii. Thats coming along nice. Today I woke up feeling really crappy. I however looked to the side and saw a big pile of clothes that I didnt put away last night. so i started with that.. I Put all my clothes away. Then I started getting in the mood so this is what I did all day!...

1.) Walked Mr.Nimoy. Which I love doing because he is the awesomest dog ever..

2.) Made an awesome salad for Alyssa and I.

3.) Applied to be a captain for avalanche (which is a church retreat that the junior highs go to)

4.) Planned out the churchs christmas dinner some more. ( Made a Shopping List )

5.) Made a meal plan for next week. ( Matt and Alyssa are going to this conference )

6.) Worked on my website ( for school )

7. Helped make awesome cheese bread.

That may not seem like alot of stuff but i feel really proud.. not to mention i wrote this blog.. Now all i have left to do it drink some more hot chocolate and watch vampire dairies then go to bed early. YAY! Yes.. i know this blog sucks however i felt bad because i havent written one in a long time.. and i probably wait another week to write another one..

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The other day I had a dream that I was pregnant and I didnt think of it as anything. But then I got curious and wondered what it really meant. So I googled it and this is what it said.

"To dream that you are pregnant symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal. Alternatively, if you are trying to get pregnant, then the dream may be a wish fulfillment. If you are not trying to get pregnant, but dream that you are, then it symbolizes fear of new responsibilities. "

I found that pretty interesting because its mainly true. Alot about my life is changing. For the better I think. Im budgeting and its going AMAZING. I feel so awesome when I spend money becuase thats how I planned to spend my money. Its an amazing feeling. I think I am going to be a crazy budget lady some day. Im also moving out. well.. moving my stuff. I have been living with Matt and Alyssa for a little over a month now and its been awesome. I feel like ive grown SO MUCH as a person, and as an adult. Being an adult I even am getting myself a birthday gift. I fit it into my budget and everything.. so Im super excited.

Im also excited for christmas. Ive also learned alot about christmas. This year for me is going to be super different. At my house we have ALOT of decorations and alot of little knick knacks. I loved it as a child but getting older.. I hate decorating for 3 days and then Undecorating for 5 days after. I have been listening to christmas music for the past 5 days however. But thats besides the fact. ive always just wanted a nice tree in the corner and maybe like one set of lights hanging up. I never wanted to tell my mom that because she always wanted to go crazy with everything. so I just left it and went on with my life. Another big different thing is gifts. I wont be able to give as many gifts because I dont have my mom to buy them or whatever. I wont get as many either because frankily i dont think my family will buy me any this year but its ok. With Matt and Alyssa I acually feel like a family.. and I know that sounds really crappy but its true. I always tried to be a family at home. I would ask if anyone wanted to play a board game and nobody ever did so I gave up and stopped asking and just stayed in my room and do my own thing. So im excited for the nights im going to have drinking hot chocolate and watching some crazy werid movie or watching an episode of community with them.

I love my family. and I hope then next year ( or even this year ) ill be able to visit have some hot chocolate and watch a movie with them and just spend christmas like ive always wanted. But who knows, its their call. I also feel really mean saying that im happy right now. Then I realized that im not happy becuase I love leaving my family, but instead im happy that I dont have to fight with them. As much as they dont think that it hurts when I fight with them it really does. If they want me in their life in the future thats cool, if they dont then I cant do anything but all I can do is hope for the best, and hope that they can take this time and not think of it as me walking away.

This blog is called "Becoming an adult is hard". and I have truly seen how hard it is, but I have also seen the easy parts of it. I was thinking to myself that I should change the name of it but then I said no because even tho im turning into an adult in 12 days I still have alot to learn. Im only 18. Even 75 year old people have things to learn and even at that age things get tough. Things in life will always be tough.. But when times are tough you have to remember to be strong and..

Life Long, Laugh Hard and Love Strong ♥

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Christmas. ♥

Merry Christmas ♥ :D So I know Im like 2 months too early but HEY, the stores are already playing christmas music. Also My Birthday is in 18 days. So basically the next two months are the best months of my life.  Im kind of freaking out because im going to be turning 18. Ive always hated thinking about turning 18 because then in my mind im like " I have like 80 more years.. if im lucky" I also know that, that is a long time but I freak out mainly because im scared to die. That is another story. Yesterday I got ttc tokens and felt awesome getting them because it was part of my budget. I didnt feel bad spending 52 dollars because thats what it was meant for! However today when I went to chapters I spent to much money. I was out of my budget and I felt horrible but so far ive done a good job.

It seems like life is going by so fast.. its really scary. I Guess thats how things go however. Also it feels like I slept in forever.. My mind is full of so many things I just cant relax and sleep. My body sleeps but not my mind. So all the days are starting to blur together.. which sucks so much. I dont know what any day is.

I feel like im getting better at blogging! I hope my blogs are getting better and that you guys acually like it. Like i said in my last post im pretty stuck in my life and alot of the time I dont know what to write. Thats all I have for this blog :P

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong. ♥

Monday, November 5, 2012


Lately I have been.. stuck.. on alot of things. Meaning I pretty much cant make any choices, or cant do any work because my mind just wont let me. so im stuck. In a pit of nothing. Writing this blog is really hard.

Today I learned another thing that makes being an adlut hard. Today I paid my rent, and groceries.. and was left with nothing til my next pay check. That really freaked me out because of the fact that next pay check im going to have to pay my phone bill, and other bills.. when do bills end.. never. Everytime I turn the corner I have another bill. I always wanted to write a blog and I love doing it but sometimes im stuck and have nothing to write. Im sorry for this fail of a blog. However I am going to see someone that can help me process my thoughts so I can be awesome for you guys.

Im Stuck like a mouthpiece on a trumpet..

Thats all I have for today.

Being an Adult is hard..

Live Long, Laugh Hard, Love Strong ♥

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Money Wise Month.

so, the goal of everyother day is gone out the window.. why? because LIFE happens. Anyway. This Month is going to be the best month EVER. No, not just because its my birthday month :P but because Im going to be (or at least try) an Adult. a full on adult, someone is going to pay for rent, pay for groceries, and other stuff that adults need. :p a couple of months ago Alyssa taught me how to budget. I loved the idea and never really followed thru with it. However in Class we are doing budgets and I really want to try and budget, now that im an "adult". I really need to learn how to manage money or I will be in big trouble.. So here are my goals this month.

1.) Make a legit budget and stick with it.I Have this problem with starting something and never finishing it. not this month, I have to learn to save money and not spend it on stupid things. I also have to try to not go over my budget, to accept it and believe that I can do it.

2.)Open a high-Intrest savings account.Since im going to be turning 18 in 26 days, my bank told me I should open one so that I can earn a little more money as I save.

3.)Stay Organized.
I have to make sure that with my new plans I stay organized with it and not lose the point of my budget, I think that im pretty good staying organized so this should be not a problem for me.

This month it going to be the best however I also think it will be the hardest. This is the month that I think I will realize what being a adult is like. It will be tough but I know I can do it.

For the past three weeks ive been out of my house ive felt ALOT of stress, and im pretty much sleep deprived..however I feel happy. Ive already had so many fun experiences. Painful but awesome massages, Chilling at the bluffs during a storm and taking videos, walking the dog to warden and eating icecream in a cart shelter, or even just sitting in the same room, on the same couch and being a family while watching tv. Ive learned that I cant take any moments for granted because who knows where ill be in a month, I might not be able to have thoses experiences. Right now im content with my life. Its stressful, yet amazing. How does that work..? Who knows.. I have alot more to learn as an Adult but I think I can handle it.